EPIC Golden Kettlebell Club Member Name

Steve Briganti

How long have you been an EPIC Member?

May 2014

What is your favorite EPIC Class?


Give us a quick background on yourself.

I joined EPIC when I moved to Midtown East last year and was quickly hooked on the program. The variety of workouts, group atmosphere and consistent challenge keep me coming back daily.

Have you done any OCRs? If so, which?

I competed in my first two races, the Spartan NJ Beast and the Spartan Tuxedo Sprint this year. I am looking to do a few more throughout the summer.

Toughest Obstacle

Z-Wall Traverse

What has been your biggest accomplished since joining EPIC?

It’s hard to pinpoint specific accomplishments but I can say my overall fitness level has improved exponentially.  EPIC keeps me accountable to show up and work hard every day.

What's next on your list of goals that EPIC can help you achieve?

My goal is continue to push my endurance and conditioning training to improve my race results and to clean up my diet.

What would you tell other members of EPIC? What about those thinking of trying or not yet at EPIC?

The coaches and members make working out at EPIC fun. EPIC is functional fitness and high intensity training at its best. It’s opened up my eyes to new workouts, challenges and races and is something I look forward to each day.